Agriculture and animal sciences

Greater demands for resources are exerting dangerous pressures on our environment. More than ever, we need to enhance our understanding of fundamental agricultural and animal sciences to ensure the health of our planet.

Studying agriculture will prepare you to go beyond traditional farming, and be in-demand in the food, fibre and farming industries. Modern agriculture combines cutting-edge technology with scientific, economic, environmental, and social principles to sustainably feed the world.

Through the study of animal science, zoologists and wildlife scientists use their understanding of animal behaviour, taxonomy, ecology and physiology to contribute to the implementation and evaluation of management and conservation programs for captive and free-roaming animals.

The scientific study of animals and plants will set you up for a fulfilling and successful career:

  • Demand is high, with 6 jobs to every agricultural university graduate in Australia1
  • UQ is ranked #1 in Australia and #6 in the world for agriculture2
  • UQ is ranked #2 in Australia and #23 in the world for animal science3

Where can agriculture and animal sciences take you?

If you already have a study area that interests you select the category below. Or just keep scrolling for the full list of careers that started by studying agriculture and animal science at UQ.



  • Program Coordinator, Sustainable Coffee Platform of Indonesia
  • PhD Candidate, UQ School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability
  • Sales and Marketing Assistant – Fruit & Vegetable Exporter, Harrowsmiths International
  • Senior Grain Merchant, AGT Foods Australia

Agricultural sciences

Animal sciences

Veterinary science

 Ready to start your career?

Explore the range of UQ programs in agriculture and animal sciences.

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